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Monday, November 1, 2010

This past weekend, a friend told me I was quoted on someone's Caring Bridge blog.  The author of the Caring Bridge site is a mother who lost her daughter to leukemia less than a year ago.   She recently posted my devotion, "So This is What Hard Feels Like."

Just so you know, I'm always honored when that happens.  She was gracious to include my name with it, and that's all I ask. 

Sunday morning, before church, I spent an hour reading about the diagnosis of her daughter's illness last September, and the life-threatening side-effects of the treatment, until this sweet child's passing just a short few months later. I grieved with her.

During those months, her younger child celebrated a birthday, and she wrote about the party they had for him. I imagined it was a bitter-sweet celebration, and she likely carried a bit of guilt for having a party for one child when another was ill.  And yet it was worth celebrating.  I think she did the right thing.

Although I've never met this mother, God connected us for a short time.  I hope my devotion brought her hope and encouragement, but her story has impacted me as well.  I was reminded again of the importance of celebrating life in the midst of hard times.

When I'm faced with a serious concern, I become obsessive.  Just ask my kids when they are five minutes late.  Actually, I even have the ability to turn a small concern into a big one in nothing flat.  It's a gift, really. 

Fixing the problem so consumes me that I forget to stop and celebrate the life going on around me.  The reality is there are reasons to celebrate the everyday joys of life.  All it would take is a pause, a prayer and a redirection of my focus.  It's doesn't show a lack of concern or care - but an acknowledgement that there is still something worth my extra effort.

Today I'm realizing the value of celebrating in the midst of difficulty.  There is good in my life. Lots of it.  There are children who need to know they are valued and worth my time and effort.  I have a husband who appreciates thoughtful gestures of love.  Plus, I love my mother, sisters, their families and my friends.  It's time to consider how to add everyday celebrations to my life in greater measure. 

Life is precious and fragile, and not to be taken for granted.  Just ask any mother who has lost a child. 

Today I want Hannah Grace's mother to know that her daughter's life is impacting my family.   And I say that to all my friends who have lost a child ... I'm specifically thinking of my friend Tammy and my sister Paula.  Your children's lives had great meaning and God is still using them.

Will you join me in celebrating the everyday joys while we still can? 

What do you have to celebrate today?  Who in your life needs to be honored and celebrated?  Leave a comment and we will all honor those are waiting for us in Heaven. 

In His Love,



Jenny Smith said...

Hi Glynnis,
Caring Bridge really helps those of us wanting to connect but not wanting to intrude be able to walk that line.


Kathy said...

Glynnis, as I read today about someone quo0ting you, I realized that you might enjoy knowing when that happens.

I not only included your words but your photo in a recent blog I wrote. It began the week before as I wrote on grace. Then I realized I needed to balance that out on truth/sin and you hit the nail for me. The 3rd blog (in my unintended series) was last week as I made a video on truth and grace. To me they should be together, as we live in Christ who was "full of grace and truth."

Thought you might want to check it out (and the weeks either side of you!)

Thank you for impacting my life regularly as I read you.

In His Grip,


Lynsie said...

My husband and I lost our 1-month old baby boy over a year ago and I still find myself asking the countless "why" questions to God. But even on the darkest days, I know that God is working through our tragedy for our good and His glory. I am so thankful that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. No matter what the circumstance God is always the same God...He never changes...He is always there to comfort His children. I am so blessed!

Tabitha said...

I am learning about gratitude in this season, including how to celebrate and enjoy life's little moments. I find myself seeing God in the smallest things--things I would miss if I were focused on the negatives of life or on all that is wrong, or all I have lost. Even my greatest loss--a pregnancy at 6 weeks--ultimately resulted in a baby who is now almost 1.5 years old and brings us so much joy!!! How can we not celebrate that??
Will life have lows and blows? Of course. Which makes it all the more important to savor the best of life.
I think of how much "the world" loves to party and celebrate--then how much more should we, as believers, knowing that our hope lies not just in the joy of this life but the joy of eternity?? We cannot gloss over the hurt and loss of life, but we CAN make the most of the BEST of this life. There is so much to celebrate!!
I come from a long line of women who know how to party, despite their circumstances, and I am learning to embrace that, too! My grandfather went to heaven in July, he was 84, and there is a military memorial for him this coming weekend in Florida. I won't be there and will be so sad to miss it but I will spend that time celebrating his amazing life in my own way here. He knew how to party, too, and him and my grandmother enjoyed 65 years together--and partied the whole time! :)

Mary Lynn said...

I, too, am trying to balance putting celebration of life's blessings and joys in the midst of stress and hard times. Hubby is 500miles away in Ohio while I am finishing up PTO duties and this part of the school year for my little ones in Georgia. I am also transitioning and training someone to take my role in the children's ministry I lead all while trying to sell a house during a horrible time. While all this busyness, stress and distractions are consuming my thoughts and time, my little ones are losing baby teeth, learning to write his name, color and draw (the all boy child), add and subtract, develop an interest in history, ask more and more questions about life with Jesus. Life will fly by me if I don't stop and count the blessings and joys of it all- celebrate it. I have resumed my counting of gratitudes. God is faithful and my portion for each day- especially in the hard times. Thanks for reinforcing the ponderings I have had lately. God has again confirmed something for me thru your words.

Wander said...


I have so much to celebrate too.
My family is precious to me. I've mourned with 3 dear friends over the last 2 years...each losing a teen child.
My heart aches. It's a pain that won't go away. Like you, it reminds me how precious every single moment is.