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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My devotion today on P31 or Crosswalk, speaks to the heart of many of my frustrations - being rejected. While my devotion speaks about being rejected by others, I find that there's another type of rejection that is just as defeating - that's the rejection I give myself.

I've had a few ongoing goals for let's say ... uummm ... about 15 years. Mainly the ongoing goals deal with losing weight and getting in shape. Every time I get the gumption to get serious about those goals, something interrupts my plan. Maybe it's a vacation or a holiday. It might be my husband's schedule, or a child's needs.

Then that rejection starts coming from within -

You don't have what it takes to lose those 20 pounds. You'll never be able to do a push up. Your schedule is too busy. Why even bother?

I hate that rejection, and so it seems easier to not even try. Because I know it's sitting out there just waiting, hiding behind that all-you-can eat pizza buffet, or a venti mocha. Or I find it in a work out class when I watch other women can do what I can't. I know the thoughts that will follow.

But I'm not ready to give up!

Even as I type these words, the answer comes to me. I can't do it alone. I wish I could, because I'm just that way - little miss independent. But the truth is, I'm better with a friend.

Perhaps that's the answer for dealing with any rejection. Having someone by my side, who understands why these challenges are so difficult, makes all the difference. So perhaps, instead of having the weight loss, or getting in shape as my primary goal, I should be focusing on finding a friend to face things with.

I don't know if that helps you today, but it sure helps me.

In His Love,


Christie Todd said...

Thank you for today's devotion - it spoke to my heart and fits perfectly to the situation I am currently in. God is good as He continues to speak.
thanks again

Laurie Ann said...

Beautiful devotion today, and one that is very encouraging. Rejection from within or without stings, but God is our soothing balm...

Kelly said...

Satan certainly whispers in my ear, "You'll never be good enough" whether its writing, mothering, being a wife, anything. But I try to focus on believing the voice of truth.

(Casting Crowns: But the voice of truth tells me a different story
The voice of truth says, "Do not be afraid!" The voice of truth says, "This is for My glory."
Out of all the voices calling out to me. I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth.)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your devotion at P31, and for your insights at your own site. You've blessed me with your openness--I, too, can relate. May God bless you as you press through!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Your devotion today was a gift to me. I'm going to copy down the line, "we can trust that God sees our potential and that pressing through rejection will be worth it in the end" and stick it on my mirror! :)

Kathy Schwanke said...

Thank you for the encouragement to press on. To be strong in the Lord and to seek to please Him, and Him alone...

Great devotion!

Joyful said...

God definitely wants us in relationship.

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

Friends are a wonderful gift from God!

Anonymous said...

It was a perfectly timed blog and proverbs 31 devotion. My friend was trying to explain to her sister in law why our marriage amendment was so important. It didn't matter to her sister in law what the Bible said. She discounted the Bible.

I've also had my share of rejection most especially from my mom. It wasn't easy, but having a friend to understand and stand by me was such a comfort. It was especially comforting to see Christ use this rejection to help me grow and bear fruit.

All the Goliath's in the world can't keep me from my Lord and Savior.