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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving blessings and welcome to everyone who is joining me today after reading my Encouragement for Today devotion, titled Perspective Precedes Thankfulness.  If you are a  regular blogger friend, I extend a special greeting. 

Also, if you are a regular reader, keep reading to find out the winner of the Mary Engelbreit photo album.

In the devotion, I promised to tell the story of another time perspective made all the difference.  It starts back 12 years ago when my family moved from Phoenix to Charlotte, North Carolina due to my husband's job.  We didn't have long to select a house, but honestly, it didn't take long to find one I loved. 

For years I'd read Southern Living Magazine, and adored the south's tendency to paint interior house walls in vibrant colors.  (In the southwest we have another traditional color: off-white.  It's amazing how many hundreds of off-white shades there are..) Anyway, once I stepped in and saw the green and gold entrance, cranberry family room and  dark blue bedroom, I was hooked.  We made an offer two days after it went on the market.  We were sure it would sell just as fast.

Our plan was to stay in Charlotte two years, then return to Phoenix.  As our time in the south came to a close, we put that blue, green, gold, cranberry house on the market and held our hands out to receive the offers.  After awhile we put our hands down, as no offers arrived.  Week after week I'd try and make that house presentable with three little boys under the age of 8.   It was a trying time on many levels.

Apparently, home buyers weren't as enthralled with all that color as I was.  Our realtor strongly suggested we paint the interior of the house white, but we were just as convinced it wasn't necessary.

My husband moved back to Phoenix to start his new job, and I stayed in Charlotte, cleaning and picking up.  Weeks turned into months and there was no sign of an offer.  Tod came back one weekend and we painted the entrance white, thinking we could fool the buyers.  It didn't happen.  We dropped the price; still nothing.  Not even a glimmer.

I was hopeless and helpless.  There was nothing I could do to make anyone buy my home.  I had tried and tried on my own, and things were getting worse.   I poured my heart out to God, and felt a measure of peace, but still struggled with fear and despair.

During the worship time one Sunday, everything changed.   That day, I sang as if I was standing in front of God's throne.  I pictured Him mighty and powerful.  I worshipped Him for His majesty.  I praised Him for His strength and power.  I honored Him for everything He is.

As I did that, the problem with my house started to get smaller.  I realized my problem wasn't out of His control.  He was big enough to handle it. 

As God was magnified through praise, my problems were minimized.  It was a matter of perspective.  And I had previously lost it. The house didn't sell immediately with my newfound perspective.  But my heart and understanding of praise changed forever.

In time, God provided renters who couldn't afford a to purchase a house.  Within a few months, due to family difficulties, they left us with an unfinished rental contract and a still-colorful house.  We finally had to paint the entire inside of the house white, and it did eventually sell.  In spite of all the difficulties, we learned some amazing things about God we would not have learned otherwise.  I especially learned the value of keeping perspective in tough times.

If you are facing a problem that seems out of your control, try praising God.  Put some praise music on and sing.  If you sound like a frog when you sing, then turn up the music louder. 

Pick songs that speak of God's power and might.  His ability to save you.  In an instant. With a word.  Nothing is too great for Him.  I once heard, "If your problems are too big, your God is too small."

Sing songs that remind you of how big our God really is.  If you are looking for some songs, I can recommend these:

Twila Paris - He is Exalted, We Bow Down, God is in Control
Phillips, Craig and Dean:   Revelation Song, You are God Alone, Your Name

This God I will serve all my life!

Take a moment and post your favorite songs that glorify our God and tells of His majesty!  We have so much to be thankful for!!!

Love and Thanksgiving hugs,


The winner of the Mary Engelbreit Photo Album is "Terry".  Please email me directly at editor@proverbs31.org with your full name and mailing address and I'll get your prize shipped out.
Thanks to everyone for posting your ideas.


Anonymous said...

Li Glynnis,

Lovely devotion. Thanks for putting the perspective on our everyday life. It should be a way of life for us and not just for Thanksgiving Day. Songs that come to mind are "Broken Hallelujah" by Mandisa, "Breathe" by Lisa McClendon, "One Way Jesus" by Hillsong featuring Joel Houston, "The Name of Jesus is Lifted High" by Eddie James, "Psalm 23" by Juanita Bynum.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Amanda Hayes said...


God sure does know what message to send and when to send it! I just had a conversation last night with someone very close to me about this very subject, and I LOVE the way you wrote the Proverbs 31 devotional and the "extra" story on your blog post. We are so blessed, and sometimes we lose our focus and grumble, complain, and groan about the situation we are in - been there, done that! But it doesn't take long to look around at how bad others have it, or look back and see how far we've come, and suddenly things don't "LOOK" so bad! Thank you so much for sharing your heart through your writing! I needed to have this concept affirmed to me!

Steph said...

I extend my most heartfelt sympathy to you and your family in the loss of your niece.

When I think of you, one word comes to mind, tender. I love how God crafted you to share you heart and life in such a tender and touching way. Thank you for sharing more about you, your life and our awesome God in the midst of it all.

I'm grateful for women that have gone before Him, to go before women and touch them tenderly.

Va Wills said...

Glynnis, Thank you for allowing yourself to be use so powerfully by God. I needed to stop and put my life and all this everyday life 'stuff' in perspective. Your words have helped me do that. I sat here this morning feeling so overwhelmed with all the things that I 'have' to get done, all the things that need to be taken care of... the freezer went out yesterday, the heater is making a very interesting noise that I don't think it is suppose to, tutition is due next month and oh yeah, there's the holiday shopping I need to do that every commercial keeps reminding me of ... and my check just seems to be less and less. Though I try to stay focused and thankful, I fall short. Reading your devotion was exactly what I needed to get moving. To get on my knees and be thankful. Thankful that my heavenly Father loves me so much that He will never leave me. He will never forsake me. And everything will be okay. Not easy but okay. So what if the freezer is broken, I have is one on the frig and though it is small, it works just fine. So what if the heater wants to 'sing' to me, there is still heat coming from the vents. Now this one is harder.. so what that tutition is due next month, God I am trusting You and it will get paid. And then for that holiday shopping... so what, I have the greatest gift of all --- His amazing Grace...So thank you, Glynnis.. My songs that keeping playing in my head today are 'Times' by Tenth Avenue North and "In Christ Alone' by Natalie Grant.

ml4estsmommy said...

I so needed this reminder! I am in the same situation of having a house that just will not sell. I relate to keeping things show ready with a 5 and 7 yr old and hubby working 550 miles away! I keep reminding myself that God is bigger than my house and bigger than the concerns of leaving it unrented at this time. He is bigger than the 2 day drive north with 2 kids and 3 cats at Christmas time. Keeping perspective is the key but Satan has a way of pulling my perspective and focus askew! Pray for us! Thanks for the encouragement and reminder that God is in control and His plans and ways are better than mine.

Colleen Gudge said...


Your message on the perspective for selling a house in a down market was just what I needed! I have remarried and my husband was transferred to another state. We both owned our own homes; his sold, mine is still on the market with not even a nibble. Even though I get discouraged, I believe God has a buyer and in the meantime, He has a use for my home. It is by the beach in Northern Oregon and I let family, church family and friends use it at no cost. God has been an awesome provider and I know He has a home for us. Still it's nice to have a reminder now and then when going through the hard times. My favorite worship song is Light Up The Sky by the Afters. It gives me a visual that even when times are dark, God's light is always shinning! Blessings!

Crystal said...

Thank you for writing this. I say this to my unsaved friends and family, and they just don't "get it." When something bad has happened in my life, I try to put a positive spin, and it really helps me a lot. Admittedly, though, there are times once in a while when I get tired and just want to complain. That old sin nature! Anyway, the song that I want to mention is Amazing Grace (My chains are gone) by Chris Tomlin. My oldest daughter was part of a cult for a year, and I kept praying for her, quoting Ephesians 6 about spiritual battle, and I listened to and sang this song over and over during that time. When she returned (like a prodigal - it was beautiful!) one of the first things she said was how free she felt. Well, at this time, she is struggling with choosing a major in college, and just told us that she is taking winter semester off. It might seem to others like a bad thing, but let me tell you - compared to those dark days when she was trapped by bondage and darkness - well this is NOTHING. God IS faithful. HE is preparing her for something special. We truly believe that her confusion at this time stems from a battle between her desire to control her own life and her godly desire to do what HE wants her to do.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the devotion, but the game you were referring to is Pictionary! That's the one where you draw pictures.... love that game. Have great family memories myself of that game.