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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thank you so much for sharing your heart with me the past few days as a result of my devotion on hearing God's voice.  

It seems many of us long to have specific direction from God about our plans.  I wonder if this isn't increasingly due to the number of choices we have these days.  I can stand in front of the deodorant display for 15 minutes!   I am often on information overload, and an tired of making decisions.

I think there's also a common fear that we will make a mistake and follow our own sinful inclinations.  That's possible.   A sweet friend (thanks Sharon S.) gave me a devotion book that I've started reading.  It's called "Experiencing God Day by Day" and it's by Henry and Richard Blackaby. 

Yesterday the devotion spoke directly to my heart about this.  Specifically about a difficult relationship in my life; one I can't walk away from.  Nor do I want to.  It's my daughter Ruth, who was born in Africa and sadly deals with many challenging issues that often overwhelm me, to the point of despair.  So I find myself frequently and desperately seeking God's direction on how to respond and what to do next to help her grow into a godly woman.  Sadly, my responses are not always a good role model for her.

The devotion yesterday was based on Psalm 24:3-4a:  "Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?  Or who may stand in His holy place?  He who has clean hands and a pure heart."

I was convicted right down to my toes.  God challenged me to examine the deepest reaches of my heart and confess sin regarding my thoughts, words and actions.  I was undone.  Even though God spoke to me gently, it was still tough.  Here's the takeaway for me:

If I want to walk in intimacy with the Lord and hear His voice, I need to be sure that I'm not harboring any unconfessed sin. 

Even though the promise of walking closer with God is amazing, it's still hard to dig in deep and pull out those thoughts I'd rather pretend weren't there. 

So that's what God spoke to me this morning.  It's not easy. It's uncomfortable.  It's embarrassing at times.  But it's a journey.  And I'm choosing to focus my eyes ahead and keep on walking.


Now, on to the winner of Lysa's book. 

There were so many deserving comments that I decided to generate a random number (http://www.random.org/), and it was 60.  So the 60th post is the winner, which is Robyn. 

Min: 1
Max: 151
Result:  60
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

However, as I double checked the comments to make sure I counted right, I realized that somehow Robyn's comments posted twice.  I'm sure that was a bloggy glitch.  But, I decided to give a book to the 60th person as well as the 60th post.  And that winner is Joyce Ashley.  

If both winners will contact me personally (editor@proverbs31.org), I'll get your addresses and get your books mailed out.

Thanks so much for for joining me on this journey. It's an honor to be your sister and friend.

In His Love,



Anonymous said...

Thinking about any unconfessed sin, is such good food for thought. I'm new at the concept of hearing God speak to me and I'm learning so much about how to do that. Thanks, Glynnis for your insight!


Tracy Nunes said...


Thnak you for your open and honest heart. I think we can learn best from writers/leader's who share their struggles. You inspired me today and I will be praying for you and Ruth in this new season of your life.

KelliGirl said...

I totally relate to what you wrote. I'm studying "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby with my Bible study and was just reading a chapter. Their words are challenging me big time! Sometimes to the point of frustration and other times to the point of conviction. I see how very far I have to go, but how gracious and loving God is. I sure cling to the words of Phil. 1:6 because I need lots of completing! ("being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.")

Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

Amen, sweet sister. I'm so glad God loves us enough not to leave us where we are!

Shelly said...


Thanks for the advice on a good devo!

Stephanie Garneau said...


I appreciate your honesty and transparency on this difficult issue. Repentance is the key to revival in our personal lives and throughout the world. Our church did Henry and Richard Blackaby's Fresh Encounter in the spring. It stirred me in a way I didn't know I needed to be stirred. Never before had I experienced such a deep degree of brokenness before God. Never before had I realized the depth of my sin. I believe the outworking of that study in my life culminated at She Speaks this year. I have never seen God move in my life like I did at She Speaks. It was like He was speaking straight to my soul. And it wasn't just once...it was over and over again. He took my heart of stone and turned it into a heart of flesh. And in the process He set me free!