If you visited my blog last week, and read this on Friday, you aren't seeing double. I goofed and posted on the wrong week. Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself, or you'd cry. That's what happened to me. But in my mistake, I was able to receive encouragement from readers - and I was able to pray for others like me who occasionally feel overwhelmed. You can read about my mix up here.
In any case, here are my thoughts on making money at home that actually do coincide with a devotion (I hope).
I believe there are many families saving money in amazing ways. We can all benefit from ways to save money. But sometimes that’s not enough. In those cases, perhaps the option is to make money.
Here are some ideas for home-based businesses you can start with little money. These may not replace your income in the beginning, but they will provide your family with some extra spending cash.
This list is only to give you a launching pad for ideas. It is my prayer that when you see an idea, it will spark another idea of something similar that fits your personality, experience, skills, spiritual gifting, and so on. I believe God has already gifted you for this … it just may take some time for Him to reveal the right business for you.
Here are some ideas:
1. Buying and reselling retail items on E-bay or Amazon. I’ve had two friends do this successfully. One buys and resells coins, and the other sells purses. The keys here are to know your product, so you know what is of value, and buy it at a really good discount. Also, buying retail means you have already paid sales tax so you do not need a license to resell it.
2. Making a unique item and selling it. Be sure to check into a business and tax license for this. You can sell this item in several ways: craft sales, existing Internet sales avenues like E-bay or your own website. For an affordable store option check out http://www.smallbusiness.yahoo.com/ or http://www.merchantmoms.com/.
3. Creating Unique Gift Baskets.
4. A lunch delivery service to businesses. Create a menu with some amazing sandwiches and salads and go door-to-door. You will need special licenses for this.
5. Estate sale organizing and pricing.
6. One-on-one sports training. There aren’t too many people doing this for girls.
7. Blog designs. Everyone I know who does this has more business than they can handle. Include a maintenance plan, and you’ll be very busy helping technically challenged folks like me.
8. Children’s party planner
9. Dog obedience training. (If you start this in Phoenix, and can make a Husky walk – not run – call me).
10. A direct-sales businesses. These can be started with very little money. Just make sure it’s something you actually love, and you are sure to be successful. Make sure the company you consider is a member of the Direct Selling Association (http://www.dsa.org/) . They’ve also got a list of their members, which can give you some GREAT ideas.

May God bless you in your journey to work at home. I’m confident He will provide a way. He always does.
In His Love,
Hi Glynnis. Is this book available to promote as an affiliate? I'd love to promote and offer your book on my blog.
LyndaSchab at gmail dot com
Hi Glynnis,
Thank you so much for confirming what God wants to do through me. It's always been my dream to work from home and to offer accounting services and training to equip small businesses. God bless you richly as He continues to pour His wisdom into You.
Melinda Belle
Wow, we really need the income now, but I'm not sure what direction to head in...I'm a photographer by trade...
I would like to do photography in my home, or sell photo's I've done on the internet...Still trying to figure out what to do...
Thanks for your devotion today!
I didn't even notice. =)
I ordered the book through your blog last week and received it on Wednesday. I had to get started reading it right away and I love how it has started!! Thank you so much for your encouragement through your devotionals, blog, and now through your book!
Thanks for your blog and your devotion through P31 Ministries. My husband and I just found out that we're expecting baby #4 and I'm currently a mother that works outside the home. My goal is to be able to be a SAHM or a WAHM by the time this baby is born. We're working really hard to knock out debt to be able to do so. I have your book. I just need to finish reading it.
Thanks so much!
Hi Glynnis,
your blog is very encouring. I lost my job recently and am discovering it to be a blessing because my family couldn't be happier. We have experienced more change in two weeks than we have in years. I am trying to find a way to make income while staying home taking care of my family. I love to write and I enjoy encouraging others. Can a person make money blogging?
Just this morning, the Lord convicted me of not acting in financial wisdom. After spending some time in repentance, I opened up my email and saw your post about a Financially-Productive Woman and I smiled. It was the exclamation point to a sentence God had already spoken. Thank you.
I am always amazed at God's timing! My husband and I have been struggling financially due to the downturn in the economy, and through a multitude of circumstances, I am once again a SAHM. After yet another financial shock yesterday, your blog was God's reminder that I am where He wants me to be at this time. Thanks for the encouragement. Wish I could afford your book!
Glynnis, I've been wanting to put my baking skills to work for me, but I don't even know how to go about it. I'm always hoping that the bake-sale cake I've made, or one I've made for a church gathering would get the word out that my cakes are pretty good, and I'd make and sell them to people, but it's never happened. I've prayed about it a million times, but after no one asking me to make them a cake, I just decided that it's not on God's list of things for me to do. I'm pretty good w/ computer skills, and could do blog design, too. I would love that--I discovered some years ago, when I was a yearbook advisor at our local high school, that I loved graphic design. I'll have to check into that!
Great ideas, Glynnis--I bet you've sparked some dreams in a few of the girls today! :)
Your devotional today was such an encouragement and like most of your writings, so practically helpful...reachable and attainable!
Thank you for giving ideas that are "outside of the box". I applaud the clever wool-mittens crafter/business woman - but I don't sew.
I can organize, plan and encourage others to exercise - I value that you help women live refined lives that glorify Him!
THANK YOU SISTER! And bless you for being a steadfast blessing to MANY!
I have been selling Pampered Chef for 14 years and it is such a hugs blessing to our family. My husband is a youth pastor and my business is truly helpful to us financially!!
Thank you for the encouragement!!
I also have started a catering and personal chef service.
Glynnis, Thanks for putting out there what God lays on your heart to speak. Today's devotion went right along with my morning walk with the Lord, that I had had prior ro reading this devotion. Pray with me and all the other women out there that we honor God by digging in with our hands and hearts full of Love and the Truth of Jesus Christ.
God is so good! My husband and I have just come to a place where we both sense that a change is needed and I have been seeking God for direction in our finances and me going back to work and possibly my husband changing jobs. The story is too long to go into, but just know that when I saw the title of the devotion for today, I eagerly opened and read it and then went to your BLOG. I know it is "Encouragement for Today", for me!!! Thank you!! Blessings ~
Loved the practically of today's devo Glynnis!
Hi Glynnis, Thank you so much for your blog and your devotions. I was injured and now I am out of work with no income. I have lost everything including my kids. I know God has giving me talents however I am so lost that I can not seem to figure what they are. I am always praying for guidance but I guess I am not listening. Please pray with me that I get directions on how I can become financially productive. I am in great need of a break through. Your devotions are really uplifting to me. Thanks again
Hi Glynnis,
I really enjoyed your devotion today!
A few years ago when I was still homeschooling my boys, we read a book with short stories in them about all 50 states. The story about Alabama spoke of the years when the boll weevil destroyed all of the cotton crops and nearly destroyed the economy of that state.
The good news is, because of the devastation of the cotton fields, their livelihood, they began to find new ways to make a living. Many new industries sprang up as a result. They were so grateful as a state that the boll weevil had done its work and brought about positive change by forcing them to stretch into different occupations that they have a statue of a boll weevil in the city of Mobile, the state's capital city.
I always loved that story. I thought of it again when I read your devotion.
The Lord really does use all things for our good, does He not! Amazing, the strategies He uses sometimes.
Thought you might enjoy that little story as well!
Many blessings,
Definitely practical and timely. I am a music therapist, which is a fairly uncommon occupation, comparatively speaking. I recently got married and moved to a new state where there are only a handful of music therapists in the whole state. I have been working so hard to introduce what I do to others. I was feeling good and had the chance to do some groups. BUT as of yesterday, I had one activity director call me and tell me that they no longer wanted my services. I was crushed and am still trying to overcome this. It's been hard, but I trust I'm in the right place, and will continue to look for other opportunities. Thanks to you and Thanks be to God!!!
Thanks for the info on working at home. I've been trying to do a few things on the side, but I'm horrible at marketing/advertising myself. Your devo was a good reminder to get moving. Also, I would love to learn more about doing blog designs. Do you know where I could get connected to the right people for this? Just curious...
:) Michelle
I am very interested in Blog Designs. Any suggestions on how to get starated?
A reader asked how to get started with a blog design business. A friend of mine used her graphic artist background and simply learned how to create a blog. She set some prices, did some works for friends, and created a portfolio of her work. I would suggest you visit some sites of blog designer to get an idea of how to promote your work. Here's my friend's site: http://www.the-design-diva.blogspot.com/
I've used two blog designers:
Barefoot Designs at www.barefootblogdesigns.com
Doodlebug Designs
You'll notices she is so busy she's not taking orders.
Hope that helps!
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