Do you stay awake worrying about your kids? Even when they are safe in bed? It seems like there is so much more to worry about these days.
As a parent of five, one who is driving and another one about to drive, I've dealt with lots of fear over my kids' safety. In fact, I know my fear has kept my kids from doing some pretty great things in the past. One of my biggest regrets is not pursuing my oldest son's interest in a mission trip to Honduras. Instead of helping him figure out how to make it happen, I voiced my fears and he dropped the issue. The pain of regret is lasting.
My friend and author, Grace Fox has faced fear head-on, and has some really great helps for those of us who deal with fear. In fact, she's written an entire book on dealing with fear, called "Moving From Fear to Freedom." Today, Grace is sharing some specific tips for mom on dealing with fear.
10 Tips for Overcoming the Fear for Your Kids’ Well-Being
By Grace Fox
1. When it’s a safety issue, take necessary precautions and then let them go with a positive send-off and a little prayer. Be careful what you say – fearful moms breed fearful kids.
By Grace Fox
1. When it’s a safety issue, take necessary precautions and then let them go with a positive send-off and a little prayer. Be careful what you say – fearful moms breed fearful kids.
2. Tell God how you feel. (Remember – He already knows, anyway!)
3. Tell a friend who will pray for/with you. You’re not alone!
4. Refuse to dwell on the fearful thoughts and what-ifs. Instead…
5. Fill your mind with the truth of God’s Word. Focus on His promises rather than on your fears.
6. Praise God for who He is. Fear fades when we understand His character.
7. Pray for your child’s spiritual well-being. For example, ask God to grant him the “fear of the Lord,” for that’s where wisdom begins. Ask God to give him the strength to resist temptation, and to catch him when he doesn’t resist.
8. Pray for the spiritual well-being of your child’s friends. Invite them to your home, and get to know their parents.
9. Actively encourage your children’s spiritual growth through age-appropriate Christian magazines, DVDs, music CDs, and regular (fun-filled) family devotions.
10. Get involved in a ministry geared for moms. Examples include Proverbs 31, MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), MIT (Moms in Touch), and Hearts at Home.
Here's some more about Grace:
Here's some more about Grace:

Grace Fox is a popular speaker at international women’s events and the author of four books including Moving From Fear to Freedom: A Woman’s Guide to Peace in Every Situation and the devotional 10-Minute Time Outs for You and Your Kids. She’s also the national co-director of International Messengers Canada, a ministry that offers creative short-term and career ministry opportunities in Eastern Europe. Grace and her husband have three grown children and two grandchildren. Read more about Grace at She can be reached by e-mail at
In His Love,
Hi Glynnis,
I was reading my Bible Study book (The Power of a Woman's Words by Sharon Jaynes) this morning and was so surprised when I started reading about your family! It didn't hit me until I got to the part about the girls. Then I looked back up at the boys' names and I knew it was you talking. Wow! Then I googled your name and found this site. I can't believe I taught your children music over probably a 10 year period and never knew all this about what you do. I did know you spoke at Women's Bible Studies since you did that at my church (while I was at school teaching your children, so I missed it :) ) I feel like I really missed out on knowing you while I was teaching, but I am glad I found your blog. I have read several entries and you are such an encouragement. This devotion on overcoming fear for your kids' well-being is what I especially needed. Having something happen to one of my kids or grandkids, and my husband, too, is my greatest fear in life. Thank you for your ministry.
P.S. I love what I read about what you do to encourage your kids. The youngest one always complimented me on something whenever I saw her. She'd say, "I like your shoes", or "I like your necklace", or whatever. I know she learned that from you.
This was such a helpful and practically applicable post! I most specifically appreciative #5 and #7.
Thank you for the redirection and encouragement!
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