With a husband who works at home, and five teenagers, the details of my life and the many needs threaten to overwhelm me at times. It's in being consistent with little things that helps me not be drowning in the big things.
So, as promised, here are my top ten list of little things that make a difference in my life, in random order:
- Balance my checkbook
- Clean the kitchen before bed.
- Look at my children when they talk to me.
- Read my Bible before I go to sleep.
- Stop what I’m doing and hug my husband when he comes in the house.
- Keep my opinions to myself 4 out of 5 times.
- Put my pajamas in the drawer.
- Create a menu for the week.
- Be on time.
- Call my mom to say hi (not done enough).
I'm not sure this is my TOP ten. There are so many little things that make a difference in life. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. What are some of the little things that make a difference to you.
Grace & Peace,
Good morning Glynnis! What a great way to start a Monday - for me - Smiling at all times. It changes my attitude and it (sometimes) changes others' attitude as well. Hard to be mad or say unkind words when you are smiling!
Have a blessed day!
I love your list of little things. Several of those are at the top of my list, too (a weekly menu is sanity saving!). I would add tidying my desk before I leave work and acting immediately on things I need to do. Ex. e-mailing the minutes of the women of the church meeting. If I do it as soon as I get home, it's off my plate and everyone's happy. If I procrastinate, there's a decent chance I'll forget entirely.
Thanks for reminding us about the importance of little things!
Hello Glynnis,
I love how you have decided to speak out and encourage so many women with your blog!
I agree with many things on your list. To walk out into a clean kitchen in the morning is a fresh way to start my day.
For me, to make my bed makes me feel organized. I have heard it said, if at least you've made your bed, then you have accomplished something in this day.
Eye contact with my kids was something I learned years ago. Stop chopping, typing, ironing, whatever it is, and pause to see their faces as they take time from their lives to tell you something that is important to them. Those moments are gone forever when they pass.
Thanks for your devotion. It really spoke to me and will be "food for thought" as I go for my walk now.
Have a wonderful day and blessed week!
Thanks for your devo today. I loved your list of 10. So many of those would be on my list. Something else I do is make my bed first thing in the morning. When I've done that I feel like I've started my day accomplishing something.
Have a blessed day,
Your list of 10 is great! I would add saying "I love you" to my family with each parting, even a quick trip to the store. Those words can't be said or heard often enough.
One of mine is to not hit the snooze button on my alarm - if i just get up when i need to and get going the day runs much smoother and I'm not trying to catch up all day.
Last year was my supposed "year of excellence" and I was going to achieve greatness LOL What I actually learned was that attention to detail is very important over time. Each Sunday afternoon I go through the fridge and clear out the old, plan some kind of a menu, get the car gassed or in some way prepare for the week ahead. It got easier each Sunday and took less time than it actually sounds like it takes. Thanks for your tips.
Excellent...I was feeling overwhelmed today by all that needs to be done...I have many of those listed...will make a list but leave one blank and fill it with something that is overwhelming to me and in that week finish it...cleaning a closet...taking care of winter clothes...finishing a couple of quilts...thanks for the insight...
I loved your Encouragement for Today! You struck a chord...or maybe it was a nerve, especially on the weight loss topic. Yes, I too have hit a plateau on South Beach and I'm sure it has all to do with those little decisions. A few too many almonds? The white rice choice? Or maybe the macaroon I popped into my mouth without a thought? Lord give me what I need to help me with the little things that add up to bigger consequences. Another area I'm convicted of is my mouth...all the little things I let slip out of my mouth can be very damaging. Oh and I'm sure there is much more.
Love your list of 10...I'm inspired to come up with my own today.
Good morning! I echo these lists, and especially making the bed every day. And love Marti's comment: "saying "I love you" to my family with each parting, even a quick trip to the store. Those words can't be said or heard often enough." This is so true! My hubby and I have made this a habit since day 1 of our marriage. He also kisses my forehead each morning before he leaves, even if I'm sleeping :)
You are so right! So often, it is the little things left undone, that trip us up the most.
One little thing that pays huge dividends in my life is starting each and every day asking God to help me:
guard my lips (Psalm 141:3)
to guard my heart (Proverbs 4:23)
And I agree, walking into a clean kitchen is a great way to start the day! :)
Blessings to you~
This is a wonderful list! I'm just now trying to figure out how to balance it all so I don't feel like a miserable, crabby, self-absorbed person when I don't get things done! I may have to write down your list and make it fit my life!
Loved this email today. Spent the weekend with the inlaws-two of whom have dropped at least 20lbs. What am I doing wrong? BLTS!!! Loved it. One top thing for me is to finish all cell phone calls when the kids get in the car after school. I also wipe my bathroom sink after my morning and evening rituals. Thanks for the devotion.
Hi I just read your post on Proverbs 31. Good reminders and I love your list of 10 here. I definitely agree with the Clean the Kitchen before bed one and I really need to work on the Look at my children when they talk to me. Thanks for these reminders.
Glynnis, this blog was like looking in the mirror. I am currently struggling with each of these areas in my life having to recently take over the bills and roll as leader in my home. #5 is a difficult one for me. I really don't like my husband right now and hugging him would be like hugging my old beat up car, no feelings at all. But thank you for all the tips and I will post them for my own goals just to give me a direction to go. It seems like a long list when I add it to all the other daily chores and kids. I will attempt to achieve what I can and let go of what I can't. Thanks.
Giving my boys a hug and saying "Good Morning" at breakfast is definitely a little something that amounts to a big something at our house.
I wrote a post recently along the same lines about the significance of those little things. Sometimes we allow the little foxes to spoil the vines. http://teamcason.blogspot.com/2011/03/catching-foxes.html
Thanks for the reminder!
Sweet Blessings,
Great reminder Glynnis! I agree with you on reading my Bible. I think, oh skipping one day won't hurt, then the next day is just as busy as the day before and before you know it I'm a week behind! I'm trying to read the Bible in one year and it takes discipline, that is for sure. Thank you again for all you share with us, including your time!!
Glynnis-You article about little decisions was so convicting for me! I am also on Weight Watchers and have struggled for the past few weeks with any weight loss. You nailed it--the bites, licks, tastes and sips were doing me in. But more importantly, I have been living life lately by the seat of my pants, with no direction and make little unwise decisions every day. Thank you for your insight.
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