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Friday, April 23, 2010

Just a quick post to say that the entry for the She Speaks Scholarship is officially closed.  Thank you for posting your comments and sharing a piece of your life with me.  My heart ached for so many of the women who posted a comment.  God is good, but life is hard.  I'm glad we have each other.

The winner of the scholarship will be announced Monday morning on http://www.proverbs31.org/.   Once I find out who it is, I'll post it here too. 

If you don't win this scholarship, I don't want you to think that's a sign from God you aren't supposed to go.  Perhaps God has got another miracle planned for you.  Perhaps He want to bring someone else into this miracle.  Please don't give up.

One way many of our participants get to She Speaks is by raising donations.  This truly is a good investment in advancing the kingdom of God.  Imagine if every woman who attend She Speaks (apprx. 600) goes out and spreads the Gospel to 10 other people.  There are easily 6,000 people who will hear the Good News.  What if they speak to 100 people?  That's 60,000 people who will hear the Good News. 

What if each woman writes an article about her testimony and God's faithfulness, and 1,000 people read it? That's 600,000 people who have heard the Good News.

Have I convinced you yet that She Speaks is a good investment in Kingdom work?

We've got a sample letter on our website, and directions for what to do with the donations.  Go to www.shespeaksconference.com. At the bottom left, there is a green button that says “Scholarship Info."  Clink on that link and you'll find the information.

Thank you again for entering.   I believe with all my heart that God will make a way for you to attend if you are supposed to attend. 

In His Love,



Kim said...

I am in the process of praying for God's direction regarding attending P31 conference and your kind words, encouragement and insight are "food for thought".

Thank you for listening to God and may the rest of us who are just starting this journey have the courage to take this step.

kellydcooke@yahoo.com said...

I just learned of the contest after meeting Lysa Terkeurst in Greenville, SC this past weekend. I realize that the contest is closed but God can and does work in mysterious ways. Being chosen for the Cecil Murphy She Speaks scholarship would be an honor. I am a 44 yo woman, married for 22 yrs, mother of 4, major bread winner, employed full time outside the home & own a small business as well. People look at me and see a completed woman living a blessed life. They seek out my advice and compliment me on "doing such a great job". What they don't know about are the events in my first 22yrs that occurred that have made my into the woman I am today. Some things I was so shameful of that I didn't even share with my husband until we had been married for 10 yrs. The people that know even part of my testimony are shocked that me, Little Miss Homemaker with the great husband, beautiful children and such talent in so many areas could actually be the same women I have just finished telling them about. Some have asked me to share my story with their church or small group but I know the Lord wants me to share it with large multitudes of women. He has set aside the precise place & moment. Being chosen the receive the Cecil Murphy She Speaks scholarship would allow for me to receive the instruction do just that. Thank you ~ Kelly Cooke Psalm 40:2 & Psalm 37:23

Alicia said...


I just visited your blog this evening and felt so "at home." How fun to see pieces of your heart. I'm wiping tears over the "mom growing up" post. Thank you for being authentic and real. I'm delighted to see your second book (maybe this isn't "new".. I haven't been on your blog before).

As I read your encouragement to so many to let God shape them through She Speaks, I'm thinking about how you invited me to do the same back in 2006. I was pregnant with my fourth child, "green" with morning sickness and totally convinced that it wasn't my season to write, but your gentle words tacked on to an article acceptance changed my mind. I remember meeting you, seeing pictures of your beautiful new adopted daughters and marveling at the way God works through women who love Him well.

I'm preparing for a writer's conference in June and have thought many times how glad I am to have pioneered that world in the context of She Speaks where every women I met spoke encouragement and hope. May He bless you richly as He keeps "growing you up." And thanks for using your wisdom to bless those of us on the journey.

I hope to cross paths again one day- perhaps at another She Speaks!

-Alicia Bruxvoort