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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Today a friend sent me a praise report from another friend. We'd been praying for Jennifer, who'd had one of those "female tests" and was told it looked like she had cancer. In fact, the doctors went so far as to tell her it was 99.9% sure she had cancer. Well, guess what! After further tests, it turns out she doesn't.

All glory to God for that one.

But it got me thinking about how God must look at statistics. I wonder if He looked at that one, which looked very bleak indeed from a human perspective, and just laughed. You see, from the doctor's perspective, there was a .1% chance the Jennifer was cancer-free. I'm sure they had their pencils ready to schedule surgery. The kind nurses probably patted her on the back in sympathy. They were ready to give her the bad news.

God, on the other hand, didn't need medical statistics to tell Him the outcome of that situation. He didn't think, "Wow, this is going to be a tough one. I wonder if I can pull it off."

We may not know the reasons why, but the Kingdom of God broke into the kingdom of the world, and God brought healing to Jennifer and glory to Himself.

In the bleakest of circumstances, in the darkest of nights, in the face of the most dreadful fears, we serve a God who laughs at statistics. Then He reaches down in kindness and gentleness and reminds us once again that nothing is too hard for Him.

Jeremiah 32: 27, "I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? "

In His Love,



KelliGirl said...

Amen, Glynnis! Our God is mighty to save. While we may not know the whys and whens, we can be sure that nothing is impossible for God.


Julie Gillies said...

I love when God just puts His foot down like this. HIS purpose shall stand, regardless of what the paperwork looks like!

And I LOVE Jeremiah 32:27 it's hanging in my bathroom where I read it every day.

Have a good week, Glynnis.