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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I recently read the blog of a woman named Sumi who has lost her three-year-old daughter due to an accident. I couldn't stop the tears as I shared her pain, and questioned "why?" as I looked at the photos of this beautiful child. Why someone so young? Seems I ask that question a lot.

Most of us ask "why?" when something horrible happens to us or someone we love. Unfortunately, the answer to that question is illusive at best. Much of the time there's just no satisfactory answer to "why?" Wise people often will say "why not?" I'm not quite that wise.

As I read this mother's blog, I was struck by her and her husband's faith. I'm taking the liberty of quoting her, because I'm pretty sure she'd want God to get the glory as much as possible. She said:

"God is God and he is sovereign. We still believe that somehow he allowed something in His wisdom that he could have prevented in his power and I don’t think I could have changed that."

I've thought about that comment a lot, and it brings me hope in times of confusion and pain. It would be so nice to avoid suffering in this life, but it just isn't gonna happen. When I think I can't go on, when I'm tired of battling one problem after another, when the sadness over the loss of loved ones overwhelms me, this helps me make sense of it all.

It helps to be reminded that God is in control, and that He is ALWAYS working things out for my good. What happens might not always be good - but God is. He never changes. And He loves us.

Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God ... "

In His love,


Angelfire212 said...

I just had to let you know that this morning's devotion through P31 Ministries was EXACTLY what I needed. See, my husband still has to finish his degree (2 classes left after this semester), a bachelor's in English, and he has no marketable job skills. He doesn't know what he wants to do...and can only tell you what he DOESN'T want to do. He doesn't really want to teach, edit, or move into another field (like computers). He doesn't want to be in a job that he hates (understandable). Knowing that God always has a plan, even we think it's too late, is extremely comforting. The message I read this morning gave me a tremendous peace. I currently am the sole support for our family, and yet really want to be a SAHM. I know God has a plan for the desires of my heart, and it's not always on my time, but always in His perfect time.

Unknown said...

I, too, lost a daughter 16 years ago to SIDS when she was 6 weeks old. As her 16th birthday came and went this month, I couldn't help but reflect on all of the things that God has brought to my life because of Adrienne's short but, oh, so meaningful life.

I am a much more compassionate person than I ever would have been. When others experience loss, they come to me for help in ways I never would have been able to provide comfort without the loss of my little baby girl. Adrienne still impacts this world today.

We have been able to adopt a little girl from India who is now 10. She loves the Lord with every beat of her soul. When she was just 4 years old, she told me, "Mom, when I grow up I am going to go back to India and tell people about God, about love, about spirit......mom, what is spirit?" It cracked me up! Anyway, my point is this.

When Adrienne died, I was 26. I knew deep in my heart that God still loved me, but it was difficult to make it through each day. However, God has never abandoned me. His timing was not my timing. Sometimes it is in the delays from God that I learn the most about His ability to work.

It's almost like boiling water. We turn on the stove. We know the water is going to boil. But if we stand there and watch it, it seems to take FOREVER. It is when we get busy with the other things that need to be done in order to prepare the meal that we realize all of the sudden that, "Hey, the water is boiling!" almost as if we are surprised!!! God is like that in so many ways. He is working. We know He's working! But we have to keep living and let Him work in His time then suddenly we will turn around and say, "Hey, look what God did!!!"

Thanks for your devo today! It was just what I needed!

Love, Tammy
PS I hope to meet you at the conference in June!!!!! I am so certain that attending this conference is something that God has been planning for me for years!!!! I am so excited!

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Your P31 Devotion was incredibly timely and beautiful for me. Thank you so much. I'm printing part of it out to keep. You have ministered to me today!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for blessing me today.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for both of your articles today. My best friend is dealing with breast cancer, she just found out last week, and I forwarded them to her. God is perfect in His wisdom and His power. It is really hard to understand why He doesn't just step in and take away the pain, But He truly does know best. I guess sometimes we don't know the "why" until the pain has passed. I feel my friend has been healed, and so does she, it is just so heartbreaking to watch her go through this. She has a 3 year old and two older children and a wonderful husband, they are an awesome Christian family and I know God will use this whole thing for His glory! Thanks so much for your words today. I needed them.

Alyce said...

Thank you for the devotion today! It came at JUST the right time. We are dealing with issues here..my depression (getting adjusted to meds) and my daughter who is so sweet and smart, but at times goes into fits of rage when something doesnt go the way she wants. We had a knock down drag out this morning and it wasn't pretty. We cried and prayed and I even told God I didn't know what to say or do anymore w/ the situation. I know He is going to turn this around..in His time.
Thanks so much..

Roxie said...

As I was opening my e-mail this morning thinking about my past disappointments, what God was going to do about them, and how I was supposed to use them to serve others, I opened your P31 devotion on "Dealing with Unresolved Disappointment." It made me laugh out loud. God has such a sense of humor.

Your devotion was a reminder to me that instead of being disappointed that God has delay an answer or has a different one that I expect, I should be asking "God what am I supposed to be learning from this?" and "who, if anyone do you want me to share it with?"

Oh and my answer to your question, "What should our attitude be when we are waiting on God to answer our prayers?" OBIDENCE and Excited Expectation!

Anonymous said...

This devotional spoke to me as well. We all have different reasons for our dissapointment and pain but it usually revolves around some loss (ie, health, job, loved ones, joy, etc. What was once there and then is gone sends us into a spiral of doubt, insecurity, depression and often times severely tests our faith. God has yet to reveal to me why, but sometimes I think I am catching a glimpse. I pray that we all are able to remain faithful until that light at the end of all of our dark tunnels appears.
Thank you for speaking to my heart today.

Anonymous said...

Glynnis I read the blog one day last week, and was so awwed at how she and her husband handled what happened to her beautiful little girl. What faith and strength. I know that it all comes from the Lord. I am trying to erase "Why" from my vocabulary. This is a word I never again want to use. I only want to say it was in God's perfect will and timing, for his glory and puropse.
Your sister in

Anonymous said...

Dear Glynnis,

You have a beautiful heart. Thank you for sharing and blessing me and so many women with your words of encouragement about God's timing. It has echoed so deep into my heart today and I really needed to hear it. May many women be lifted up with the words God speaks to them through you.


B. said...

i really loved the P31 devotion today. Thank you!

pam said...

No matter what the circumstances are God is constant. My circumstances do not define who God is so I must learn how to get my eyes off of my circumstances and look at Him. The unbearable can never be explained. Thank God we have Him to lean on and trust in, in spite of all else.

jodi said...

Glynnis, your Proverbs 31 post for March 27 (yesterday) and this post here on your blog couldn't come at a better time for me. March 27 was the one year anniversary of my mother's death. She was my best friend, a wonderful mother and I praise Jesus that she is now with Him, no longer suffering as she did for 6 long months before her death.
There have been days like yesterday and today where the depth of sorrow and pain I feel is almost unspeakable as I try to carry on without her, and as I try to manage the needs/demands of my 3 year old and 5month old. Some days I feel as if I will crumble under my grief, the continuous battles with a strong-willed 3 year old, and ever-present needs of my infant.
But...I am carried through as I remember God is sovereign, He is infinite in His wisdom and love and He knows best despite the pain I feel. His timing is perfect and my mother is right where she should be, rejoicing in heaven. Through the pain and the tears, there is His peace guiding me through.
Thank you for your posts, which confirm and reinforce these truths of God's true character in the midst of life's trials.
God bless you.

Stacey said...

Hi Glynnis. This is a beautiful and bittersweet post. I'm a bit behind in my devotionals but read your March 27th this morning and felt compelled to come by your blog. I'm new to Proverbs 31 and have found it to have blessed me immensely already.

Your post has me working through so many of the disappointments in my life and how I have been a victim in my mind for far too long. I'm working through this and hopefully will be able to find God's time and His glory in everything.

Jodie Wolfe said...

Hi Glynnis,
I could use your help. If you have a few minutes, I would love your input on my blog in regards to the ten struggles that Christian women face. Thank you!

Amy Wyatt said...

I have been reading Sumi too and I am so moved by her faith. Thanks for sharing this.

MelissaTaylor.org said...

oh Glynnis, Be still and know that I am God....those words bring wisdom to so many problems.

When I am still, which is not often...that's when I really hear God.

I love you! I love you for sharing your insight and for helping to keep me focused on God.

Love you sweet sista:)

Charlene Kidd said...

I cried when I read that blog as well. I too was amazed by their unshakable faith. Thanks for the devotion.