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Saturday, January 19, 2008

A reader made an observation about my comment to recycle what I don't shred. This implies that we are not to recycle shredded paper. I've always bagged it and added it to my garbage, but decided to do a bit more research into the "rules" about recycling shredded paper.

Turns out there are a few reasons why some cities don't accept shredded paper with recycled items. Here's what the city of Phoenix, Arizona has to say:

"Shredded paper can contain contaminants such as plastic, photographs, thermal fax and carbon paper. All are considered serious contaminants in paper recycling and are not acceptable in Phoenix Recycles. Please shred only confidential information and recycle the rest."

I also discovered that shredding paper weakens the fibers, and therefore makes it unsuitable to recycle in many instances.

It's always best to contact your own city government about their policies regarding recycling and shredded paper. My policy is to reuse as much as I can, recycle the rest, and throw away as little as possible.

In His Love,


Renee Swope said...

You are such a wealth of info. Where do you store all your "smartness"?

I just left a comment at "Managing Information Overload" that I hope you see!

Amy L Brooke said...

Hi! I can't believe I won. Oh, I am so excited. I wasn't expecting to. OH! Words can't describe it. Thank you!

My email is alb02@msn.com

Please put P31 or something like that in the subject line because things from new people always end up in junk and I don't want this to end up in junk!

Anonymous said...

Hi Glynnis!

Thanks for nominating my article for an honorable mention. It is an honor to me!

My email addy is sumi@nwe-usa.com

The article we are talking about is entitled 'The Masterpiece'

Thanks again, and God bless you!


Carol said...

Hi Glynnis! I am still in a state of shock! Thank you so much! Here is my email:


Thank you again! :)

Sandy said...

Thank you so much for the honor of choosing my article, A Cup of Encouragment, as on of the winners. I feel very humbled and blessed as there were so many wonderful and inspiring entries.

I can be contacted at:

Blessings on your day!

Sandy Babb

Amy L Brooke said...

p.s. I had to wait a bit before I could call anyone. The first person I called was my friend, Jill Savage. She said to tell you, "Hello!"

Cliff said...

I deal with paper paper shredders on a regular basis and spoken with many people who use shredded paper in hamster cages and dog kennels. I also know many people who use shredded paper as packaging material, eliminating the need to use foam peanuts. I also know people who use shredded cardboard as horse bedding! Nice article.